A. J. age 14. Largest curve decreased by 17 degrees.

I found out I had scoliosis last year (when I was 13 years old) after having an X-ray taken to see if I had bronchitis. I had a thoracic curve of 29.7 degrees and a lumbar curve of 24.3 degrees. I had no back pain whatsoever, but I was told that if nothing was done, within a few months my spinal curvature would increase to the point of surgery. I was X-rayed to have a fitted Rigo back brace in an effort to hold my curve in place and hopefully begin to correct my spine. I also started Schroth therapy with Jay Mosesson, and I could not have asked for a better therapist. While the back brace was, and continues to be, a daily challenge that I struggle to cope with, the exercises feel like they are making a substantial impact. While I first started doing the exercises every day for about forty-five minutes, I am a very busy teenager and regret to say that for a few months, I lessened to doing the exercises about every other day. Recently, though, I have increased the exercises to a steady thirty minutes five or six days out of seven.

Miraculously (and I truly believe that this would not be the case without the Schroth therapy) my thoracic, or upper, curve has decreased from almost 30 degrees to a staggering 12.8 degrees and my lumbar, or lower, curve has decreased from almost 25 degrees to 17.4 degrees in only ten months. To give you the numbers exactly, I have had an out-of-brace X-ray every three months, and after starting to wear the back brace and doing the Schroth therapy, in July of 2018 my thoracic curve was down to 20.3 degrees and my lumbar curve was down to 23.2 degrees. In October, my thoracic curve was 17.6 degrees and my lumbar curve was 18.3 degrees. As of January 2018, my thoracic curve is 12.8 degrees and my lumbar curve is 17.4 degrees. The results I have had with the Schroth therapy have been incredible, and I strongly encourage anyone diagnosed with scoliosis to do Schroth therapy.


L.D. Age 11. Curve decreased by 7 degrees.

In the fall of 2017, our 10 year old daughter was diagnosed with a 23 degree curvature in her back.  Our family has a history of scoliosis, so as parents we were very concerned about what the treatment options were for our active young daughter.  We were only aware of bracing and surgery for treatment.  This was the first time we had ever heard of Schroth physical therapy as an option.  We were referred to Dr. Jay Mosseson with Active Spine Physical Therapy for Schroth physical therapy as an initial treatment, while we closely monitored our daughter’s curvature over the next 6 months.

We began weekly one hour physical therapy sessions, which our daughter (along with us) was taught the various exercises to help counteract the curvatures occurring in her back.  She started performing these exercises each day.  We continued visiting Dr. Mosseson each week to learn additional exercises and work on improving the technique for exercises she had already been taught.  It was difficult in the beginning for our 10 year old to understand some of the subtle moves and importance of them in the exercises, but over time her technique improved and it has now become part of her daily routine.  We can’t say enough about the patience that Dr. Mosseson and his wife showed, along with going out of their way to find ways to teach, motivate and help make our daughter feel comfortable with the whole physical therapy process.

Six months after our initial diagnosis, we returned for a follow up x-ray and were extremely pleased with the results.  Our daughter’s curvature was reduced from 23 to 16 degrees.  She has continued doing the exercises each day for over 15 months and has successfully kept her curvature from progressing.  We would highly recommend giving Dr. Mosseson and the Schroth physical therapy a try.


J.Y age 15. Curve decreased by 6 degrees (surgery avoided)

My 15 year-old daughter has scoliosis and was recommended to do schroth therapy. After seeing Dr. Mosesson for 6 months, learning the schroth therapy exercises and doing those almost everyday, her thoracic curve has improved by 6 degree (to 33). We are very happy about the results. Dr. Mosesson was very knowledgeable and patient in examining, explaining and teaching each exercise. We highly recommend Dr. Mosesson!


K.A. age 17. Curve decreased by 4 degrees.

Dear Dr. Mosesson,

I hope that your new practice is running smoothly! I was writing to inform you that my appointment with Dr. Narotam went very well. Based off of the x-rays, the curvature in my spine has decreased from 37 degrees to approximately 33 degrees. Not only that, but my height increased by half of an inch. With continuous use of the exercises that you taught me the curve should not worsen and possibly even decrease by a few more degrees. I wanted to sincerely thank you for your help in eliminating my back pain and teaching me the proper ways to correct my form and posture. If you ever need a referral in regards to how great you are I will be more than happy to do that for you! Best wishes for your practice!


JS age 15. Curve decreased by 3.4 degrees.

N.A. CRPS patient

Jay is a highly dedicated, thoughtful practitioner. As one of the most professional and experienced physical therapists I’ve ever worked with, I would trust him with any of my family and friends! I came into his care with a boot on my leg, a severe limp, and debilitating nerve pain throughout my body. While working with Jay I was able to re-learn how to walk, get rid of the need for a boot (finally!) and help decrease the crippling symptoms of CRPS/neuropathy. With his personalized treatment plans, encouragement, and patience, I was able to see actual positive changes in my body’s ability to perform tasks and participate in activities. I can even swim now which was something I didn’t think I could ever do again!  In our sessions, he also showed me how to minimize the sources of pain which meant not only feeling better but moving easier.


H.C.  Spinal compression fracture patient

I have osteoporosis, which contributed to two compression fractures in my spine.   In spite of my being a yoga practitioner of 30 years and very active, I started to have back pain that prevented me from walking over a mile or so.  I was so lucky to find Jay, who taught me exercises that could be done in just 10 minutes each day to strengthen muscles around my spine.  As long as I do them most days, I can walk 4-5 miles per day pain-free.  His expertise has been a God-send for maintaining my lifestyle.  He is also a pleasure to work with!


C.F. age 15

Dr. Jay has been treating my son with Schroth therapy since his scoliosis curves progressed over a year ago. Dr. Jay is extremely knowledgeable and compassionate, and truly cares about my son’s health and well-being. Dr. Jay is patient and determined in his work, always doing whatever it takes, not only to help my son understand each exercise, but also to make sure each exercise is done correctly. Dr. Jay is always flexible with his schedule in accordance with my son’s pain and specific needs at any particular appointment. Qualities that separate Dr. Jay are his ability to connect with my son as a person instead of as just another one of his patients. As a result of this, my son is more willing to comply and follow through with the exercises and instructions that Dr. Jay lays out for him. I am very thankful to Dr. Jay and his staff for caring for my son and treating his scoliosis.


S.E. Age 15

My daughter was referred to Dr. Mosesson March 2018 for Schroth physical therapy when her curve progressed to 30 degrees due to scoliosis. Dr. Mosesson is patient, encouraging and listens to the patients. After seeing Dr. Mosesson and Schroth exercises daily at home her curve currently measures 18.7 degrees. Schroth works!


M.H. 75 year old male

I was recently diagnosed with scoliosis resulting from degenerative arthritis. I was referred to Dr. Mosesson by UNC Spine Center. In eight physical therapy sessions I learned and practiced a series of exercises based in the Schroth method that I practice at home. The pain resulting from the scoliosis has been drastically reduced and mostly eliminated. I have been able to return to track walking for cardio exercise and to my favorite hobby of gardening without the pain I was previously experiencing. Dr. Mosesson was friendly, professional, and patient working with me, fully explaining and helping me to understand spinal anatomy, the nature of my scoliosis, and the effect of the exercises. I am grateful to him for helping me lose the pain and am pleased to recommend him as an effective and caring physical therapist.


W.S. 10 year old daughter’s curve decreased by 18.5 degrees.

Jay we can’t thank you enough for all of your hard work and effort to treat our sweet little girl. You have made her essentially pain free. We look forward to maintenance therapy.